Alaska Rockfish - Sebastes spp.
There are over 40 species in the Alaskan rockfish family, which vary widely in color, appearance and size. North Pacific Seafoods, Inc. offers all commercially caught species, including the popular Pacific Ocean perch, northern rockfish and dusky rockfish. The fish gets its name from the deep rocky ocean areas it inhabits. In culinary applications, Alaskan rockfish fillets are known for their versatility and characterized by their meaty texture, good flake and unique mild flavor.
Product Specifications
Alaskan rockfish are available from North Pacific Seafoods, Inc. fresh or frozen as whole fish, dressed fish or fillets. The fish is caught by trawl from mid-March to October, with the harvest regulated by state and federal agencies, and tightly monitored by federal observers on board the fishing vessels. Our close working relationship with the fishing fleet ensures product freshness and traceability of all North Pacific Seafoods, Inc. rockfish products.